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Colors Of The Stone with To Bead True Blue & Tucson Bead and Design Show

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Colors Of The Stone Winter

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Dragon eye - 2 sessions in 1 classFebruary 1, 10:00am - 4:00pm (ALREADY PAST)Wirework Class By Anna MonsteranceClass Fee: $200.00Kit Fee: $75.00
Skill Level: All
WORKSHOP 1: “Painting The Eye” Duration 1-2 hours

Dragon eyes are simply magical wire jewelry and easy to fall in love with crafting them! This workshop will be a 2-class tutorial. In part 1, I will show you how to paint the eyes so never will it be necessary to buy a pre-made eye. The bonus to learning how to make your own, is that you are the complete artist selecting color choices are infinite as your imagination can create.

WORKSHOP 2: “Wraping your Dragon eye Cabochon” Duration 3-4 hours

As your painted eye creation dries, the class will continue with wrapping a cabochon into an eye using a pre-made Dragon Eye that I have created just for you!

No Available Dates
